Saturday, January 17, 2009

Handbook of Brewing or Let Slip the Pies of War

Handbook of Brewing

Author: Fergus G Priest

It has been ten years since its first edition, making the Handbook of Brewing, Second Edition the must have resource on the science and technology of beer production. It recounts how during this time, the industry has transformed both commercially and technically and how many companies have been subsumed into large multinationals while at the other extreme, microbreweries have flourished in many parts of the world. It also explains how massive improvements in computer power and automation have modernized the brewhouse while developments in biotechnology have steadily improved brewing efficiency, beer quality, and shelf life.

In addition to these topics, the book, written by an international team of experts recognized for their contributions to brewing science and technology, also covers traditional beer styles as well as more obscure beverages such as chocolate- or coffee-flavored beers. It includes the many factors to be considered in setting up and operating a microbrewery as well as the range of novel beers and beer-related products currently being considered by the brewing industry. It also describes new avenues that challenge the brewer's art of manufacturing a quality beverage from barley-based raw materials.

Thorough and accessible, the Handbook of Brewing, Second Edition provides the essential information for those who are involved or interested in the brewing industry.

Books about: Emergencias de la Ninez or The Goddess Diet

Let Slip the Pies of War: The Biotic Baking Brigade Cookbook

Author: Agent Appl

What do Bill Gates, Milton Freidman, William F. Buckley, San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, Sylvester Stallone, Canadian Premier Jean Chretien, Swedish King Carl Gustaf, Ronald McDonald, Timothy Leary, Eldridge Cleaver, Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, World Trade Organization Director Renato Ruggiero and Andy Warhol have in common? They've all been pied by the Biotic Baking Brigade, and its cohorts around the world.

From the Groucho-Marxists of the Three Stooges, to Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies' political pranks, the fine art of landing a freshly baked delicacy in the face of the reactionary, pompous and otherwise deserving has a been long and venerable tradition. As a way of highlighting a particular cause, gaining often spectacular media attention, or merely bringing the lofty down a crust or two, there is nothing quite so fine as a cream pie.

This anthology cooks up an intoxicating melange of history, analysis, tactics and recipes for this most edible of the political direct action techniques. Herein you'll find political pop supergroup Chumbawamba's history of pieing jostling for oven space with the Cherry Pie Three's accounts of time in prison for humiliating the mayor of San Francisco. Tips from experienced pie-ers on the best way to slip into a shareholders' meeting unobserved ammunition in hand-blend deliciously with tried-and-tested recipes for delectable vegan pastries (perfect for launching or dining upon). Generously sprinkled with some of the punchiest, wittiest communiques explaining just why those responsible for environmental destruction might be in line for their just desserts and the theory behind why pieing-why now.

An indispensable guide for anyonewith a taste for -creative political dissent, a thirst for humor, or a grumbling stomach.

Editor, Agent Apple is the spokesperson for the Biotic Baking Brigade. He revels in delicious mischief and is a punsmith par excellence.

Table of Contents:
Song for the Biotic Baking Brigade
Custard Wins Test of Best Pie for Throwing
Theory and History
Pie-rect Action I: Scoundrels
Pie-rect Action II: Sell-outs, Snitches, and the Like
The Tale of Wille Brown and the Cherry Pie 3
It's Not Just Pies, Anymore

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